Degrees of Comparison in Russian (Positive, Comparative, Superlative)

Degrees of Comparison in Russian (Positive, Comparative, Superlative)

In Russian, adjectives can be used in three main degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. These degrees help to describe the quality or characteristic of a noun in varying intensities. Understanding how to form and use these degrees is essential for effective communication in Russian.

1. Positive Degree (Basic Form)

The positive degree is the basic form of the adjective, which describes the quality or characteristic of a noun without making any comparisons. It simply describes the noun as it is.

1.1. Examples of Positive Degree Adjectives

Большой (bol’shoy)Big
Красивый (krasivyy)Beautiful
Маленький (malen’kiy)Small
Интересный (interesnyy)Interesting

Example Sentences:

  • Это большой дом. (This is a big house.)
  • Она красивая. (She is beautiful.)
  • У меня маленькая собака. (I have a small dog.)
  • Это интересная книга. (This is an interesting book.)

2. Comparative Degree

The comparative degree is used to compare two things or people, showing that one has more of a particular quality than the other. In Russian, the comparative form of an adjective is typically formed by adding the suffix -ее or -ей to the adjective, or by using the word более (more) before the adjective.

2.1. Formation of Comparative Adjectives

  • For adjectives ending in -ый or -ий, the -ий is replaced by -ее or -ей to form the comparative.
  • For adjectives ending in -ий, you can also use более (more) before the adjective.
Positive DegreeComparative Degree
Большой (big)Больше (bigger)
Красивый (beautiful)Красивее (more beautiful)
Маленький (small)Меньше (smaller)
Интересный (interesting)Интереснее (more interesting)

Examples of Comparative Degree Sentences:

  • Этот дом больше. (This house is bigger.)
  • Она красивее. (She is more beautiful.)
  • У меня меньше работы. (I have less work.)
  • Эта книга интереснее. (This book is more interesting.)

Note: The word меньше (less) is used as the comparative form of маленький (small), and больше (more) as the comparative form of большой (big), following an irregular pattern.

3. Superlative Degree

The superlative degree is used to show the highest or lowest degree of a quality among three or more things or people. In Russian, the superlative form is often created by adding the prefix сам- (meaning «most» or «very») to the adjective or using the comparative form with a specific context.

3.1. Formation of Superlative Adjectives

  • Regular Superlative: The prefix сам- is added to the comparative form of the adjective.
  • Irregular Superlative: Some adjectives form the superlative in irregular ways, especially those expressing extreme qualities.
Comparative DegreeSuperlative Degree
Больше (bigger)Самый большой (the biggest)
Красивее (more beautiful)Самый красивый (the most beautiful)
Интереснее (more interesting)Самый интересный (the most interesting)

Examples of Superlative Degree Sentences:

  • Этот дом самый большой. (This house is the biggest.)
  • Она самая красивая. (She is the most beautiful.)
  • Это самая интересная книга. (This is the most interesting book.)

4. Irregular Forms of Comparison

Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms that do not follow the typical rules. These forms need to be memorized, as they do not use the usual suffixes or prefixes.

Хороший (good)Лучше (better)Лучший (the best)
Плохой (bad)Хуже (worse)Худший (the worst)
Много (many)Больше (more)Максимум (the most)
Мало (few)Менше (less)Минимум (the least)


  • Этот фильм лучше. (This movie is better.)
  • Это лучший выбор. (This is the best choice.)
  • Я чувствую себя хуже. (I feel worse.)
  • Это худшее решение. (This is the worst decision.)

5. Conclusion

The degrees of comparison in Russian—positive, comparative, and superlative—allow speakers to describe and compare qualities and characteristics of people, objects, or situations in varying intensities. The positive degree is the basic form, the comparative degree shows comparison between two nouns, and the superlative degree expresses the highest or lowest degree of a quality.

Understanding how to form and use these degrees will help you express your thoughts clearly and accurately when comparing things in Russian.

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