Table of Contents: Russian Grammar for Foreign Students

  1. Introduction to Russian Grammar
    1.1. Overview of the Russian Alphabet and Phonetics
    1.2. Key Features of the Russian Language
    1.3. Stress and Intonation Patterns
  2. Nouns
    2.1. Gender of Nouns (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter)
    2.2. Number (Singular and Plural Forms)
    2.3. Cases in Russian: Functions and Meanings
    Nominative Case
    Genitive Case
    Dative Case
    Accusative Case
    Instrumental Case
    Prepositional Case
    2.4. Declension Patterns of Nouns
  3. Pronouns
    3.1. Personal Pronouns (Subject and Object Forms)
    3.2. Possessive Pronouns
    3.3. Reflexive Pronouns
    3.4. Demonstrative Pronouns
    3.5. Interrogative Pronouns
    3.6. Indefinite and Negative Pronouns
  4. Adjectives
    4.1. Short and Long Forms of Adjectives
    4.2. Agreement with Nouns in Gender, Number, and Case
    4.3. Degrees of Comparison (Positive, Comparative, Superlative)
  5. Numerals
    5.1. Cardinal Numbers: Declension and Use
    5.2. Ordinal Numbers
    5.3. Fractions and Collective Numerals
  6. Verbs
    6.1. Verb Conjugation: Present, Past, and Future Tenses
    6.2. Imperfective and Perfective Aspects
    6.3. Reflexive Verbs
    6.4. Modal Verbs and Expressions
    6.5. Imperative Mood
    6.6. Participles and Gerunds
  7. Adverbs
    7.1. Formation and Use of Adverbs
    7.2. Degrees of Comparison
  8. Prepositions
    8.1. Prepositions with Cases: Usage and Meanings
    8.2. Spatial, Temporal, and Abstract Prepositions
  9. Conjunctions
    9.1. Coordinating Conjunctions
    9.2. Subordinating Conjunctions
    9.3. Use in Complex and Compound Sentences
  10. Syntax
    10.1. Word Order in Russian Sentences
    10.2. Simple Sentences: Structure and Types
    10.3. Complex Sentences: Subordination and Coordination
    10.4. Direct and Indirect Speech
  11. Special Topics
    11.1. Expressions of Time
    11.2. Motion Verbs: Prefixes and Meanings
    11.3. Negation in Russian
    11.4. Passive Voice
  12. Practical Exercises and Drills
    12.1. Case Usage Practice
    12.2. Verb Aspect Drills
    12.3. Sentence Construction Activities
  13. Appendices
    13.1. Commonly Used Vocabulary by Topic
    13.2. Irregular Verbs and Their Conjugation
    13.3. Tables of Declensions and Conjugations

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of Russian grammar tailored for non-native learners, ensuring a gradual and systematic approach to mastering the language.