Table of Contents: Russian Grammar for Foreign Students
- Introduction to Russian Grammar
1.1. Overview of the Russian Alphabet and Phonetics
1.2. Key Features of the Russian Language
1.3. Stress and Intonation Patterns - Nouns
2.1. Gender of Nouns (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter)
2.2. Number (Singular and Plural Forms)
2.3. Cases in Russian: Functions and Meanings
— Nominative Case
— Genitive Case
— Dative Case
— Accusative Case
— Instrumental Case
— Prepositional Case
2.4. Declension Patterns of Nouns - Pronouns
3.1. Personal Pronouns (Subject and Object Forms)
3.2. Possessive Pronouns
3.3. Reflexive Pronouns
3.4. Demonstrative Pronouns
3.5. Interrogative Pronouns
3.6. Indefinite and Negative Pronouns - Adjectives
4.1. Short and Long Forms of Adjectives
4.2. Agreement with Nouns in Gender, Number, and Case
4.3. Degrees of Comparison (Positive, Comparative, Superlative) - Numerals
5.1. Cardinal Numbers: Declension and Use
5.2. Ordinal Numbers
5.3. Fractions and Collective Numerals - Verbs
6.1. Verb Conjugation: Present, Past, and Future Tenses
6.2. Imperfective and Perfective Aspects
6.3. Reflexive Verbs
6.4. Modal Verbs and Expressions
6.5. Imperative Mood
6.6. Participles and Gerunds - Adverbs
7.1. Formation and Use of Adverbs
7.2. Degrees of Comparison - Prepositions
8.1. Prepositions with Cases: Usage and Meanings
8.2. Spatial, Temporal, and Abstract Prepositions - Conjunctions
9.1. Coordinating Conjunctions
9.2. Subordinating Conjunctions
9.3. Use in Complex and Compound Sentences - Syntax
10.1. Word Order in Russian Sentences
10.2. Simple Sentences: Structure and Types
10.3. Complex Sentences: Subordination and Coordination
10.4. Direct and Indirect Speech - Special Topics
11.1. Expressions of Time
11.2. Motion Verbs: Prefixes and Meanings
11.3. Negation in Russian
11.4. Passive Voice - Practical Exercises and Drills
12.1. Case Usage Practice
12.2. Verb Aspect Drills
12.3. Sentence Construction Activities - Appendices
13.1. Commonly Used Vocabulary by Topic
13.2. Irregular Verbs and Their Conjugation
13.3. Tables of Declensions and Conjugations
This structure provides a comprehensive overview of Russian grammar tailored for non-native learners, ensuring a gradual and systematic approach to mastering the language.