Reflexive Pronouns in Russian

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject of the sentence performs an action on itself. In other words, the action «reflects» back on the subject. The reflexive pronoun in Russian is себя (sebyá), and it is used to indicate that the subject is both the doer and the receiver of the action.
Unlike many other pronouns, the reflexive pronoun in Russian does not change form based on gender or number of the subject. However, it does change according to case. In this article, we will look at how себя behaves in different grammatical cases and how it is used in sentences.
1. Reflexive Pronoun: «себя»
The reflexive pronoun себя (sebyá) is used when the subject is doing something to itself. It changes in form depending on the case, but it does not have gender or number distinctions.
Here is how себя behaves in the nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, and prepositional cases:
Case | Form of Reflexive Pronoun |
Nominative | — (not used in nominative) |
Accusative | Себя (sebyá) |
Genitive | Себя (sebyá) |
Dative | Себе (sebe) |
Instrumental | Собой (soboy) |
Prepositional | О себе (o sebe) |
2. Reflexive Pronoun in Different Cases
2.1. Accusative Case (Себя)
In the accusative case, себя is used when the subject is the direct object of the action, meaning the action is done to oneself.
Example Sentences:
- Я вижу себя в зеркале. (I see myself in the mirror.)
- Он слышит себя. (He hears himself.)
2.2. Genitive Case (Себя)
In the genitive case, себя is often used with negation or in expressions of lack or absence of the subject itself.
Example Sentences:
- Я не знаю себя. (I do not know myself.)
- Она боится себя. (She is afraid of herself.)
2.3. Dative Case (Себе)
In the dative case, себе is used to show that the subject is giving or doing something for itself. It often appears in expressions of intention or benefit to oneself.
Example Sentences:
- Я купил себе подарок. (I bought myself a gift.)
- Он сделал это себе на пользу. (He did it for his own benefit.)
2.4. Instrumental Case (Собой)
In the instrumental case, собой is used to show the means or manner in which the action is carried out, often expressing how the subject uses itself in the process.
Example Sentences:
- Я горжусь собой. (I am proud of myself.)
- Она довольна собой. (She is satisfied with herself.)
2.5. Prepositional Case (О себе)
In the prepositional case, о себе is used when referring to oneself in situations where the preposition «о» (about) is involved. This usually appears in contexts of discussing oneself, talking about something related to oneself, or reflecting on one’s own actions.
Example Sentences:
- Я думаю о себе. (I think about myself.)
- Он рассказывает о себе. (He talks about himself.)
3. Reflexive Pronoun in Sentences
Here are some more examples that demonstrate the use of reflexive pronouns in different cases:
- Я посмотрел на себя в зеркало. (I looked at myself in the mirror.)
- Она гордится собой. (She is proud of herself.)
- Мы думаем о себе. (We think about ourselves.)
- Он заботится о себе. (He takes care of himself.)
- Я люблю себя таким, какой я есть. (I love myself the way I am.)
4. Reflexive Pronouns in Imperative Sentences
In imperative sentences (commands or requests), the reflexive pronoun is often used to mean that the action is directed towards the person being addressed.
Example Sentences:
- Посмотри на себя в зеркало! (Look at yourself in the mirror!)
- Не смейся с собой! (Don’t laugh at yourself!)
- Успокойся! (Calm down! — literally «Calm yourself!»)
5. Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
In Russian, reflexive verbs are verbs that are used with the reflexive pronoun себя (sebyá). These verbs describe actions where the subject performs the action on itself. Many reflexive verbs are formed by adding the suffix -ся or -сь to the verb.
Example Reflexive Verbs:
- Умываться (to wash oneself)
- Одевается (to dress oneself)
- Заботиться о себе (to take care of oneself)
- Гордиться собой (to be proud of oneself)
Example Sentences with Reflexive Verbs:
- Я умываюсь. (I wash myself.)
- Он одевается. (He is dressing himself.)
- Она гордится собой. (She is proud of herself.)
6. Conclusion
Reflexive pronouns in Russian are essential for indicating that the subject is performing an action on itself. The form себя (sebyá) is used across different cases, and understanding its declension is crucial for proper sentence construction. Reflexive pronouns are often paired with reflexive verbs, further emphasizing that the subject is both the doer and the receiver of the action.
By practicing reflexive pronouns in different cases, you can enhance your ability to express actions that reflect back on the subject in Russian.