Irregular Verbs and Their Conjugation in Russian

Irregular Verbs and Their Conjugation in Russian

In Russian, like in many other languages, there are irregular verbs that do not follow the standard conjugation patterns. These verbs require special attention, as their forms in different tenses or persons can deviate from regular rules. Below is an overview of some important irregular verbs, their conjugation in present, past, and future tenses, as well as some common exceptions.

1. The Verb «быть» (to be)

The verb быть is highly irregular and is used in the present tense only in the form есть (there is) or in sentences with the future tense. In the past tense, it’s fully conjugated.

Conjugation in Present Tense:

Я (I)есть(there) is / are
Ты (you, informal)есть(there) is / are
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)есть(there) is / are
Мы (we)есть(there) are
Вы (you, formal/plural)есть(there) are
Они (they)есть(there) are

Conjugation in Past Tense:

Я (I)был/былаI was (masc./fem.)
Ты (you, informal)был/былаyou were (masc./fem.)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)был/была/былоhe/she/it was
Мы (we)былиwe were
Вы (you, formal/plural)былиyou were
Они (they)былиthey were

Conjugation in Future Tense:

In the future tense, быть is used as an auxiliary verb for forming the future tense of other verbs, but it can also be used independently in its own conjugated form.

Я (I)будуI will be
Ты (you, informal)будешьyou will be
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)будетhe/she/it will be
Мы (we)будемwe will be
Вы (you, formal/plural)будетеyou will be
Они (they)будутthey will be

2. The Verb «идти» (to go)

The verb идти (to go, on foot) is irregular in its conjugation, especially in the present tense.

Conjugation in Present Tense:

Я (I)идуI am going
Ты (you, informal)идёшьyou are going (informal)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)идётhe/she/it is going
Мы (we)идёмwe are going
Вы (you, formal/plural)идётеyou are going
Они (they)идутthey are going

Conjugation in Past Tense:

Я (I)шёл/шлаI went (masc./fem.)
Ты (you, informal)шёл/шлаyou went (masc./fem.)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)шёл/шла/шлоhe/she/it went
Мы (we)шлиwe went
Вы (you, formal/plural)шлиyou went
Они (they)шлиthey went

Conjugation in Future Tense:

Я (I)пойдуI will go
Ты (you, informal)пойдёшьyou will go
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)пойдётhe/she/it will go
Мы (we)пойдёмwe will go
Вы (you, formal/plural)пойдётеyou will go
Они (they)пойдутthey will go

3. The Verb «есть» (to eat)

The verb есть is used to mean «to eat.» It is irregular primarily in the present tense.

Conjugation in Present Tense:

Я (I)емI eat
Ты (you, informal)ешьyou eat (informal)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)естhe/she/it eats
Мы (we)едимwe eat
Вы (you, formal/plural)едитеyou eat
Они (they)едятthey eat

Conjugation in Past Tense:

Я (I)ел/елаI ate (masc./fem.)
Ты (you, informal)ел/елаyou ate (masc./fem.)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)ел/ела/елоhe/she/it ate
Мы (we)елиwe ate
Вы (you, formal/plural)елиyou ate
Они (they)елиthey ate

4. The Verb «сказать» (to say)

Сказать is an irregular verb that means «to say.» It’s conjugated irregularly in the past and future tenses.

Conjugation in Present Tense:

Я (I)скажуI will say
Ты (you, informal)скажешьyou will say (informal)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)скажетhe/she/it will say
Мы (we)скажемwe will say
Вы (you, formal/plural)скажетеyou will say
Они (they)скажутthey will say

Conjugation in Past Tense:

Я (I)сказал/сказалаI said (masc./fem.)
Ты (you, informal)сказал/сказалаyou said (masc./fem.)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)сказал/сказала/сказалоhe/she/it said
Мы (we)сказалиwe said
Вы (you, formal/plural)сказалиyou said
Они (they)сказалиthey said

5. The Verb «хотеть» (to want)

The verb хотеть is irregular in both the present and past tenses.

Conjugation in Present Tense:

Я (I)хочуI want
Ты (you, informal)хочешьyou want (informal)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)хочетhe/she/it wants
Мы (we)хотимwe want
Вы (you, formal/plural)хотитеyou want
Они (they)хотятthey want

Conjugation in Past Tense:

Я (I)хотел/хотелаI wanted (masc./fem.)
Ты (you, informal)хотел/хотелаyou wanted (masc./fem.)
Он/Она/Оно (he/she/it)хотел/хотела/хотелоhe/she/it wanted
Мы (we)хотелиwe wanted
Вы (you, formal/plural)хотелиyou wanted
Они (they)хотелиthey wanted


Irregular verbs in Russian are essential to understand and master, as they are used frequently in everyday speech. By practicing their conjugation in various tenses, you’ll become more fluent in using them naturally and accurately. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these verbs and their exceptions in order to communicate effectively in Russian.

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